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100 Selected Poems (Poetry) (Hardbound): Collectable Edition by William Wordsworth

100 Selected Poems (Poetry) (Hardbound): Collectable Edition by William Wordsworth

Regular price Rs800.00
Regular price Rs800.00 Sale price Rs800.00
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As the world moved from the Age of Enlightenment to Romanticism at the close of the eighteenth and beginning of the nineteenth century, William Wordsworth emerged as one of the most powerful and significant poets of the era. This collectable edition is a compilation of some of his finest masterpieces along with some of his lesser known poems. It includes ‘Old Man Travelling’, ‘Lines Written in Early Spring’, ‘Lines Written a Few Miles above Tintern Abbey’, ‘A Solitary Reaper’, ‘I wandered lonely as a Cloud (Daffodils)’ and ‘To a Sky-Lark’ among his other choicest poems. Also included is Wordsworth’s ‘Preface to the Lyrical Ballads’ from the second edition of 1800 and the appendix titled ‘Poetic Diction’ from the edition of 1802. Each poem will enhance the readers’ imagination, coaxing them to interpret it as per their own reasoning and depth of understanding.
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