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Artificial Intelligence (WIRED guides): How Machine Learning Will Shape the Next Decade by Matthew Burgess

Artificial Intelligence (WIRED guides): How Machine Learning Will Shape the Next Decade by Matthew Burgess

Regular price Rs800.00
Regular price Rs800.00 Sale price Rs800.00
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The past decade has witnessed extraordinary advances in artificial intelligence. But what precisely is it and where does its future lie?

In this brilliant, one-stop guide WIRED journalist Matt Burgess explains everything you need to know about AI. He describes how it works. He looks at the ways in which it has already brought us everything from voice recognition software to self-driving cars, and explores its potential for further revolutionary change in almost every area of our daily lives. He examines the darker side of machine learning: its susceptibility to hacking; its tendency to discriminate against particular groups; and its potential misuse by governments. And he addresses the fundamental question: can machines become as intelligent as human beings?
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