"Clap When You Land" is a young adult novel by Elizabeth Acevedo. It tells the story of two teenage girls, Camino Rios and Yahaira Rios, who live in different countries but share a common father. When their father dies in a plane crash, the two girls discover each other's existence and must navigate their new relationship while dealing with the grief of losing their father.
Camino lives in the Dominican Republic with her aunt, working hard to save money for college in the hopes of becoming a doctor. Yahaira lives in New York City with her mother and struggles with the expectations placed on her as a star athlete. As they come to terms with their father's death and the secrets he kept from them, Camino and Yahaira must confront their own fears and insecurities while learning to trust each other.
Told in alternating perspectives and written in verse, "Clap When You Land" is a powerful exploration of family, grief, identity, and the bonds that connect us all.