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Conceive it! Believe It! Achieve it! by Napoleon Hill, Judith Williamson

Conceive it! Believe It! Achieve it! by Napoleon Hill, Judith Williamson

Regular price Rs320.00
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Your Keys to Personal Achievement


In his book Conceive it! Believe it! Achieve it! Napoleon Hill urges you to try and concentrate on accepting the possible within the impossible. By directing your mind toward a goal, you determine your ultimate destiny.

Simple truths hold profound wisdom but even so, it does not mean that they are easy to understand. The 52 essays recounted in this book give you all the information you need to achieve success. It is only when you really believe in the true power of your dreams that you find the courage to realise them.

Napoleon Hill, born in a one-room cabin in Wise County, Virginia, had a long and successful career writing, teaching, and lecturing about the principles of success. His work is a monument to individual achievement, the cornerstone of modern motivation. The Napoleon Hill Foundation is a non-profit educational institution perpetuating his philosophy of leadership and self-motivation.
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