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God and the New Physics by Paul C.W. Davies

God and the New Physics by Paul C.W. Davies

Regular price Rs960.00
Regular price Rs960.00 Sale price Rs960.00
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In God and the New Physics, Paul Davies explains how science has come of age, and can now offer a surer path to divinity than religion.

Science is now on the verge of answering our most profound questions about the nature of existence. Here Paul Davies explains how the far-reaching discoveries of recent physics are revolutionizing our world and, in particular, throwing light on many of the questions formerly posed by religion, such as:

Why is there a universe?
Where did we come from?
What is life?
How is the world organized?

Examining subjects from the creation to the soul, free will to time, black holes to miracles, he travels through science and religion to show us that there is more to the world than meets the eye.
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