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Good as Gold by Napoleon Hill, Judith Williamson

Good as Gold by Napoleon Hill, Judith Williamson

Regular price Rs480.00
Regular price Rs480.00 Sale price Rs480.00
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Good as Gold The material in this book is pure, unadulterated gold, and hence the title: Napoleon Hill: Good as Gold. Whether you are a student, a businessman, an entrepreneur, or a teacher, you will glean much information from the shared material in this volume. By using the shared secrets uncovered during his lifetime of research and practice, Dr. Hill guides you step by step in becoming the person you were meant to be. There are 52 chapters- that equates to one per week. Read a little, reflect a lot, and then when you uncover the secret, put it into immediate action. As Dr. Hill states: When a plan comes through to your conscious mind while you are open to the guidance of Infinite Intelligence, accept it with appreciation and gratitude and act on it at once. Do not hesitate, do not argue, challenge, worry, fret about it, or wonder if it's right. Act on it!
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