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Hinduism: Scriptures and Practices By Prabha Duneja

Hinduism: Scriptures and Practices By Prabha Duneja

Regular price Rs640.00
Regular price Rs640.00 Sale price Rs640.00
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In this book the author has sincerely endeavored to give an introduction to the study of the

Hindu religion both in its theoretical as well as practical aspects. Beginning from an introduction

to the Holy Vedas, Upanishads, and Manusmriti,through the great epics - the Ramayana and

Geeta - the Hindu gods and goddesses, festivals and the customs of our rich cultural heritage, she

has tried to cover a wide spectrum of subjects to the interest of the younger generation, from a new and contemporary way of life. The short and succinct summary of the Vedic rites and rituals,

Patanjali Ashtanga Yoga and meditation makes the

book more faithful to its subject.

The Vedic religious practices have been created and supported by some spiritual concepts and loyalty to the perseverance of these traditions has been emphasized over centuries. The entire

social structure in Hindu society is centered in religious beliefs, followed by Hindu families through the ages. The contents of all the essays are intended to add depth to the clear understanding of time-honored spiritual traditions that form the significant features of Hindu culture. Each topic offers valuable insights into the systematic exploration of the subject.

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