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How to Think Like an Entrepreneur by Philip Delves Broughton, The School of Life

How to Think Like an Entrepreneur by Philip Delves Broughton, The School of Life

Regular price Rs960.00
Regular price Rs960.00 Sale price Rs960.00
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Having the drive, ambition and inspiration to start a new business takes a particular mindset - no wonder we regard successful entrepreneurs as modern-day magic-makers. But what if that spirit and drive were applied outside the world of business startups?

An entrepreneur seeks to build something from nothing; to take an inspired idea and make it a reality. How to Think Like an Entrepreneur explores what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur - the ability to disrupt the status quo, use design thinking to generate fresh perspectives, build resilience and leap forward from failure - and ultimately lead us to the heart of great entrepreneurial thinking; an understanding of our deepest human needs. By harnessing the passion, verve and creative thinking of an entrepreneur, you can improve your business and your life and relationships beyond it.
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