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Ikigai: Giving every day meaning and joy by Yukari Mitsuhashi

Ikigai: Giving every day meaning and joy by Yukari Mitsuhashi

Regular price Rs550.00
Regular price Rs640.00 Sale price Rs550.00
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Ikigai is a traditional Japanese concept that embodies happiness in living. It is, essentially, the reason that you get up in the morning. This book is about finding your ikigai - identifying your purpose or passion and using this knowledge to achieve greater happiness in your life. Your ikigai doesn't have to be some grand ambition or highly noble life's purpose - it can be something simple and humble, like tending your garden or walking your dog.

Having grown up in Japan, Yukari Mitsuhashi understands first hand what ikigai means to Japanese people. Now living in Los Angeles, she has written this book to introduce the traditional concept to a new audience. This is not a 'one size fits all' book. Instead, Ikigai encourages you to look at the details of your life and appreciate the everyday moments as you learn to identify your own personal ikigai. The book includes case studies from a range of people sharing their ikigai, from university lecturers and writers to doctors.

With its refreshingly simple philosophy and liberating concepts, this beautifully presented book will be a guide you will return to again and again.
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