This psychological crime thriller by the popular author Sidney Sheldon, Tell Me Your Dreams revolves around the lives of three women who are very different in their work, lifestyle, and attitude towards life. Yet, they find themselves inexplicably linked to each other.Ashley Patterson is an introvert and a workaholic who works for a computer firm. Toni Prescott is a singer and dancer, and Alette Peters is an artist. The three women have different personalities and lifestyles. Ashley is an introvert, loves her work, and thinks of little else. Toni Prescott is a young woman who loves having fun. Alette Peters is shy and timid, but acts as a calming influence on Toni. Toni and Alette get along well together, but Toni intensely dislikes Ashley.Ashley Patterson has the feeling that she is being stalked by someone. The feeling grows so strong that she seeks the help of the police. However, the police officer assigned to protect her is found dead the next morning.Meanwhile, the police uncover a series of murders in which the victims are all men who are murdered during sexual encounters. All the victims are castrated, and Ashley becomes the prime suspect when a gift from one of the murdered men to Toni is found in her apartment.Ashley's father, who is a famous surgeon, asks an attorney (who is also a friend of his) to represent her. As the trial proceeds, it becomes clear just why Ashley's house has objects that belong to the other two women, and how the three women are related to each other.As the trial unravels more things from Ashley's past, she is forced to confront issues that she has tried to hide herself from. She has to face the horrors of her past and repressed memories that she hardly remembers.This fast-paced psychological thriller unravels the details slowly, in classic Sheldon style