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The Bitcoin Saga: A Mixed Montage by Rachna Singh

The Bitcoin Saga: A Mixed Montage by Rachna Singh

Regular price Rs800.00
Regular price Rs800.00 Sale price Rs800.00
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'The Bitcoin Saga: A Mixed Montage' is an exciting story about the birth and growth of bitcoin and the blockchain technology underpinning it. The book takes the untutored reader on a thrilling rollercoaster ride through the complexities and myriad facets of cryptocurrencies. The sub-prime crisis of 2008 and the Cypherpunk movement sets the stage for the advent of the mysterious Satoshi Nakamoto and the release of the first cache of bitcoins. The narrative takes on a Houdini like magical quality as it unravels the skeins of the Dark Web and the secret of the Silk Road. The story of the Mt Gox heist and Nostradamus like prophecies of bitcoin doom add a generous dollop of intrigue to the crypto story.

The cryptocurrency regulatory-tax tales of countries like USA, Canada, Japan, Australia, China, India etc give the narrative an intellectual slant. The bitcoin saga ends on an introspective note. The blockchain technology has enormous power to change the world. Whether it will be a benevolent Titan or a Frankenstein monster, only time can tell.
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