These tiny treasures of metaphysical and mythological knowledge serve as enlightening rubrics for understanding Indian tradition and theology. Exquisitely illustrated, this series serves as a contemporary matrix for illuminating our human experience and offers insightful access into Eastern spirituality. From Gandhi in the East to Emerson and Thoreau in the West, accomplished writers, reformers, poets and intellectuals the world over have turned to the Bhagavad Gita for mystic insight and inspiration. Like the Tao Te Ching or the Dhammapada, its timeless wisdom remains surprisingly fresh and relevant. The Essential Gita culls together some of the most potent verses from this enduring classic, addressing provocative subjects like birth and death, desire, leadership and yoga. From the path of right livelihood to the ocean of unconditional love, the sage advice offered within these pages imparts invaluable teachings on life and how to live it.