The Journey Home is an exhilarating autobiographical account of Radhanath Swami, a chicago born Gaudiya Vaishnava guru. The book rightly portrays the truly amazing spiritual journey made by the author exploring his inner self. Filled with real life experiences of swami, the book can inspire the readers to introspect.
Adopting a very simple yet captivating style of narration, The Journey Home explains to the readers the author’s transition from a 19 year old American Jew to a hindu monk. Throughout his journey, he seeks the real meaning of human life. The author's journey from West to East inturn is filled with many conflicting experiences that it emerges to be his exploration of his soul. With little money in hand, Swami travels for about 6 months to reach India through Turkey, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. The encounter with various cultures helps him realise his heart's calling.
The book also includes detailed accounts on swami's meeting with Srila Prabhupada and the subsequent transformations that happened in his life. The book can help the readers realise the purpose of humility and service in life. Spiritually engaging the readers, the book also includes episodes of swami's encounters with various gurus, hermits, and philosophers, from whom he rightly imbibes the true essence of divinity. The book gives mention to many spiritual leaders such as Dalai Lama and Mother Theresa, thus conveying the right message about the need to rise above the barriers of religion. Published in 2013 by Jaico Publishing House, the first edition of book is available as paperback.
Key Features:
The Journey Home is considered as one of the most widely acclaimed autobiographical account of a spiritual leader.
The popularity of the book was so immense that many international media including the Fox news and Huffington post had featured special reviews about it.