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You Can Win: A Step-By-Step Tool For Top Achievers By Shiv Khera

You Can Win: A Step-By-Step Tool For Top Achievers By Shiv Khera

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S does not mean an absence of problems, it is
overcoming problems. Success is not measured by how
high we go up in life, but how many times we bounce
back when we fall down.
Have you ever wondered why some people are more
successful than others? It is no secret - they simply
think and act more effectively. They have mastered the
principles of success. Positive behavior comes effortlessly
to them because they have internalized the success
principles. Successful people accept responsibility
and hold themselves accountable for their actions and
This book can empower you to achieve your goals and
live a meaningful life.
You might have heard of the power of positive thinking,
but have you ever heard of the power of negative
thinking? Power of positive thinking, empowers you
with a will power to succeed. Power of negative thinking
empowers you with won’t power to fail.
In one sense, this book is a construction manual. It
describes the tools you will need for success, and
offers blueprints to help you build a successful and
rewarding life.
In a second, sense, it is a cookbook. It lists the
ingredients—the principles—you will need to follow to
become successful and gives you the recipe for mixing
them in the correct proportions.
But, above all, this is a guidebook – a step by step, how
to book that will take you from dreaming about success
to unlocking your potential for success.
This book will empower you with time tested principles,
which if applied properly, can help you to achieve
lifetime success.
But the concepts in this book cannot be absorbed by
casual browsing or by gulping the whole book down
in one reading. It should be read slowly and carefully,
one chapter at a time. Don’t move on to the next chapter
until you are sure you understand every concept in the
previous chapter.
Use this as a workbook. Write marginal notes to
yourself. Use a highlighter as you read and mark those
words or sentences or paragraphs that seem vital, or
especially applicable to you.
As you read, discuss the concepts in each chapter with
viii preface
your spouse or partner, or with a close friend. A second
(and hopefully frank) opinion from someone who knows
your strengths and weaknesses can be especially helpful.
One of the purposes of this book is to help you create an
Action Plan for the rest of your life. If you have never
created an Action Plan, it defines three things.
1. What you want to achieve
2. How you expect to achieve it
3. Target date to achieve it
As you read this book, keep a notebook handy, divided
into three sections: your goals, the stages in which you
plan to reach them, and your timetable for success.
By the time you finish reading this book, your notebook
will be the foundation on which you can build your
new life.
The principles in this book are universal. They are
applicable in any situation, organization, or country. As
Plato said, “Truths are eternal.”
Throughout the book I have used masculine gender, only for
the purpose of ease in writing. The principles apply to both
genders and are based on the premise that most people fail not
because of lack of ability or intelligence but because of lack of
desire, direction, dedication, and discipline.
This revised edition clarifies and elaborates many
concepts. It contains a detailed, step by step action plan
along with the auto suggestions for the chapter on Subconscious mind in order to implement the concepts
explained in the book. The revised edition not only explains
the principles of success but also how to implement them.

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